by Dovvy Phillips

Panic Attacks

May 26, 2016 | Panic Attacks, Types of anxiety

If you suffer from Anxiety and have panic attacks you will most probably notice that you’re often anxious about being anxious. Always worried about when and where your next attack will be. If you live in Auckland you will be pleased to hear about our very different treatment option, that is both very effective and drug free.

Often people plan their day around their panic attacks – “I don’t want to catch the bus, just in case it happens when I am in public”. Many people even see themselves, in their minds eye, as having panic attacks in future scenarios. You’re so scared or frustrated about having them you start unconsciously planning for them. And for many, the idea of other people knowing what you’re going through is very embarrassing. For example, a lot of corporates struggle with the thought of people seeing that they have anxiety and therefore not being good enough or underperforming. They hope nobody will know or find out. This actually tends to make things worse and a negative spiral begins.

Many people therefore develop a strategy of retreating from the world, doing less and avoiding situations, and often the list of what to avoid grows over time. This becomes more and more painful and it gets to a point where the person feels forced to make a change and look for a form of treatment.

We offer one of New Zealand’s most effective solutions to resolving anxiety using a drug free, holistic body mind approach by reducing the nervous system and spinal cord tension patterns.

Our approach to treating panic attacks is addressing its cause. Which is a nervous system that is easily triggered into a fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system). For many people the panic attacks feel like they come about for no reason – which simply means you’re unaware of the triggers.

• We help you address the triggers by first becoming aware of what they are.

• We help you reduce the stress that is anchored in the body, which is what is causing the nervous system to be stuck in a hyper excitable (more easily reactive) fight or flight state.

• We help you replace negative destructive patterns with healthier ones.

• We help you overcome anxiety and make it a thing of the past.

• We don’t mask the problem by giving you drugs – we get to the cause.

• We don’t just talk about it – we give you strategies and work directly with your nervous system at the level where the body mind gets stuck into the fight or flight and free it

Why is our approach so different?

  • Because we get amazing results!
  • We don’t try to manage your panic attacks but free you from them. We help you resolve them.
  • The process is more than just getting rid of your anxiety, it is about regaining your life – this is very empowering and enjoyable.
  • You will be supported in a way that helps you take control quickly.
  • We focus and work directly with the nervous system – the cause!

Just imagine how much energy is being consumed every day of your life with these panic attacks. How much better would your life be when you could use all this energy in a more constructive way?

Now you may be thinking that your breathing is the cause and this assumption is almost correct. Yes, hyperventilation can cause panic attacks, but the real question is why are you breathing this way? When the body has so much tension that it is holding onto life’s stresses and traumas we become more rigid in our structure. Just focus on your chest and notice how tight or rigid it feels, and notice the discomfort you feel when you take a deeper breath. This stored tension that is in the body is what is causing the restricted breathing, which often leads to hyperventilation. So, with working with you to release the tension in the nervous system, there is more freedom in the body and your breath naturally changes. You breathe better and feel better – but what we do is by no means just a breathing technique.

The 3 main techniques we use to get these profound changes are

  1. Network Spinal Analysis
  2. Somato Respiratory Integration
  3. Cognitive Wellness Integration (CWI)

The CWI is a process that I have been working on for the last 10 years, which is unique to Inspiring Wellness. At this stage it is only available in Auckland.

If you live in Auckland city and suffer from panic attacks and you’re ready to overcome them, I would like to offer you a free consultation to come into the practice and meet with me. You can ask any questions you have and we will also do a quick assessment of your nervous system to see if we can uncover some of the triggers that are affecting you. Through this process you can work out if what we do is a perfect fit for you.

Read some testimonials to get an idea of how your life could be with our help

About the author, Dovvy Phillips


I am the owner of Inspiring Wellness, a wellness and personal transformation clinic in Auckland CBD and the Author of “Wellness Words, How To Think, Speak, And Feel Great” and “How To Break Free From Anxiety”. I love helping my clients take back their lives, regain their health and get a whole new higher quality of life. If you are curious if we can help you, please contact us. We are here to help you.

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