How To Eliminate Your Panic Attacks And Massively Improve Your Quality Of Life!

Body & Mind Transformational Program

Welcome to a calmer, more peaceful life

We have helped so many people transform their lives by teaching them how to live anxiety and   panic attack free! 

Now it could be your turn…

If you suffer from panic attacks, you might notice that you’re often anxious about being anxious?

  • Maybe you’re worried about when your next panic attack will happen?
  • Or what happens if they never stop or get worse?
  • Maybe you live in fear that something is wrong with you...

If you live in Auckland, you might be curious to hear about our very different, holistic and drug free approach to getting well and staying well – we have a very effective approach. We are getting amazing life changing results in our clinic every week!  

Often people who suffer from panic attacks plan their day around their panic attacks – e.g. “I don’t want to catch the bus, just in case ...”.

Or when you enter a room you’re already looking for the exit, and planning an exit strategy.

We find many people actually mentally rehearse having panic attacks which actually causes more stress and often makes the situation worse.

What is happening here is that your brain is stuck in ‘survival mode’ and because you feel scared or frustrated by them, you start unconsciously planning for them.

You are setting yourself up in a cycle/pattern that we need to interrupt so you can be free.

  • Many people develop a strategy of retreating from the world, doing less, avoiding situations.
  • This is a short term strategy that is not really effective long term because  the list of what one needs to avoid, grows over time.
  • This becomes more and more painful as someone's quality of life drops quickly, however this gets people to a point where one feels forced to make a change and then to begin to look for help.

We would love to help you break free. Discover our holistic approach to lasting change.

We offer a very effective solution to resolving panic attacks using a drug free, holistic, body and mind approach by teaching you strategies in your mind and body and working directly on your nervous system.

If you want help to break free, we would love to invite you into to our practice.

Take control of your body and mind


We work on retraining your mindset from defensive into growth! Using strategies and concepts from Design Human Engineering and Reorganisational Healing, you're able to develop a growth mindset by breaking destructive thought patterns and seeing new perspectives.


A very important aspect of overcoming Panic Attacks is working with the body. We release all the accumulated tension from past stresses and traumas that's built up in your Nervous system, and teach your body new strategies to respond to life's stresses in a more constructive way. 

Inspiring Wellness

Our approach to resolving panic attacks is unique and effective because…

  • We address the cause – a nervous system that is easily triggered into a fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system). For many people the panic attacks feel like they come about for no reason – this often means you are simply unaware of the triggers.
  • We address the triggers by first becoming aware of what they are.
  • We have a holistic, drug free approach.
  • We help you replace negative destructive patterns with healthier ones.
  • We help you overcome anxiety and make it a thing of the past.
  • We don’t mask the problem by giving you drugs – we get to the cause.
  • We don’t just talk about it. We give you strategies and work directly with your nervous system at the level where the body mind gets stuck into the fight or flight and we help to set you free.
  • Our results are effective long term.
  • Our clients actually look forward to coming in for their sessions.
  • We get life-changing results often starting from the very first session. 
  • We really care about our clients!!!
Connect with us to find out if we can help you with an obligation free chat. 
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We have helped so many people overcome panic attacks and would love to help you too. 

Watch/ read some testimonials to be inspired by other peoples change and know that you, too, can grow and be happier. 


For over 20 years I suffered from debilitating anxiety attacks and panic attacks which I found terrifying, and made me think there was something seriously wrong with me.

As I started having sessions with Dov some months ago, over a very short period of time I noticed a major difference in how the anxiety was manifesting!

As I progressed through care, releasing tension and re-balancing my nervous system, I very quickly noticed a difference in the anxiety – to the point where it resolved back to a ‘normal’ level.

Along the way we also explored a different way of thinking. This, combined with the NSA, has allowed me to be living without panic attacks or over the top anxiety consistently for the first time in over 20 years! The biggest thing for me is this has been a lasting change for which I am extremely grateful.


Before meeting Dov I was struggling with a huge amount of anxiety and panic attacks for approximately 7 years.

I have only been seeing Dov for 3 weeks now and WOW, what a difference! The most amazing thing is that I have not had any anxiety and panic attacks, or even the fear of having any!!!!

I am very amazed as I don’t really understand how it all works but am ok with that because I don’t have to, but I most certainly want more and more of this FREEDOM!!!!

I am just looking forward to every session I have as it gives me that little bit more freedom in my mind, with my fears, with my anxiety.

For anyone who is reading this and suffers from the same thing, mate, what are you waiting for – you just will not regret the decision. It has been the best gift I have ever spent on myself.


Why our approach so different and why  we get amazing results!

We help people overcome panic attacks by creating new effective strategies, in BOTH body and mind.

We do this by working on your nervous system using a combination of very powerful and effective techniques (bodywork and mindset re-training) that we have been applying, studying and mastering for the last 18 years.  

Helping 100’s of people transform their lives in a way they did not know was possible.

This is a holistic, drug-free approach.

We are getting amazing life changing results every day.

Anxiety Clinic Auckland



Why is our approach so different?

Simply because we get amazing results!

We don’t try to help you just manage your panic attacks ... but free you from them.

You will be supported in a way that helps you take control quickly and we focus and work directly with the nervous system – the cause!

Our process is more than just helping you to get rid of your anxiety, it is about helping you improve your quality of life, the process is so empowering and enjoyable.

Just imagine how much energy is being consumed every day of your life with these panic attacks. How much better would your life be when you could use all this energy in a more constructive way?

The process that I use which is what I have been working on for the last 18 years, is unique to Inspiring Wellness. At this stage we are only based in Auckland City.

To make sure we deliver the best quality care, we restrict the amount of new clients we see each week (so space is limited). We also choose who we accept into our practice. When I take on a new client I want to be certain that I can help you. There are certain qualities that make someone a perfect fit.

To Overcome Panic Attacks

from your life

Contact us

Most of my clients have tried many other approaches that have not worked, so naturally, some people are a little skeptical at first. 

In our conversation I will be able to identify if you are likely to respond well to our approach. Just so you know, we only take on clients we are very confident we can help!
