Before you leave this page  

Watch our free Webinar recording of

How we help people overcome anxiety in 12-weeks with our unique drug-free nervous system approach

You will also learn about some common anxiety myths that keep people stuck and learn how to break free.

Step 1: Watch Webinar


Step 2

Request Discovery Session 

Create a time to chat with me on the phone about how we people with anxiety, our courses, and most importantly, if I can help you!

Book in Initial Visit

Skip the wait - go straight to booking in your initial visit and get started. Many people have told me that their first session with me was life changing. IF you suffer from anxiety and want to overcome it, this session will be very valuable.

Costs: $150 - - > $97 on this page (Enter CODE : WEBINAR)

Follow up sessions $85

Location Auckland City - 68 Albert St

Look out for my name "Dov Phillips" in your inbox. 
